PG Nationals Vigorsol 2020 Spring

22.01.2020 - 29.03.2020
  • LoL

  • 16

  • -

  • 49

Tournament Results

About Tournament PG Nationals Vigorsol 2020 Spring

The LoL tournaments take place quite often. But PG Nationals Vigorsol 2020 Spring fans waited with particular trepidation. The strongest teams at 22.01.2020 - 29.03.2020 showed a bright competition and didn't let their admirers down.

The fans were attracted by the epic battles and the cyber athletes by the impressive prize pool. There was (information is being specified) at stake. The winner received (information is being specified). And the YDN team became such lucky ones. RCN and (information is being specified) were a little missing. They took 2nd and 3rd place and earned (information is being specified) and (information is being specified) as prizes for PG Nationals Vigorsol 2020 Spring.