ФК Улан
Russian Federation-
ФК Улан Roster
Upcoming ФК Улан Matches
Updated on 06-12-2021
There are no upcoming matches at the moment.
ФК Улан Achievements
Updated on 06-12-2021Date | Tournament | Place | Prize poolPrize |
The team has not yet won prizes in tournaments.
ФК Улан Team is a successful representative of the Dota 2 esports discipline. The roster of professionals knows their business and this influence the results in tournaments. Thanks to all this, the team has a huge number of fans, prizes in world championships, as well as earnings - (information is being specified).
Team statistics at the moment: number of wins - (information is being specified) ((information is being specified)), number of losses - 3 ((information is being specified)). The last achievement of the ФК Улан is the (information is being specified) place and the prize (information is being specified) earned at the (information is being specified).